Monday, September 15, 2014

Why did the Articles of Confederation fail?

Why did the Articles of Confederation fail? It only lasted 8 years.Why? Well that's because it was too weak.
A man named Daniel Shay was in the war and the government is suppose to pay you for your services. But the articles of confederation didn't allow to  tax so they had no money to give to the soldiers, including Shay. Just like the rest, Shay was given an IOU from the government. But Shay was a farmer and he needed money. But courts all over Massachusetts were foreclosing a bunch of farms and that's when they decided to revolt. Shay brought together a bunch of farmers to go to courts to stop from foreclosing. But no one could stop them? No the government couldn't stop them because there was no executive branch to enforce any acts passed by Congress 1. After a while the government had to hire a militia to stop the rebellion. 

They made the Articles of Confederation so then the government would be weak, unlike a monarchy. But they made it too weak, unable to govern America.

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