If you don't know what the movie is, its when once a year, the government allows a 12 hour period where all criminal activity is legal. No one would be able to call the police and all ambulances would be suspended. Now that would only for 12 hours, but just imagine having no government at all FOREVER. People would be driving 100 mph in a 25 mph zone (which is a little ridiculous). There would be no police since they are part of the government. Which might sound great for younger kids, there wouldn't be any school either. Bigger companies wouldn't have to follow the rules that the government has set for them. Like if I went to the grocery store and a certain food says it has no fat but it really has 11 grams of fat which is just rude. I would be brushing my teeth with toothpaste that doesn't actually whiten my teeth?? Companies could sell us defective items without telling us. I wouldn't want a hairdryer that instead of blowing hot air, blows fire, I mean they did say it would dry your hair really fast. But over all we wouldn't be safe. Guns are usually regulated by the government and with no government a CHILD would be able to get a gun easy. You may think that a guy with a mask and a really big gun is scary but what about a baby with a gun.
I don't wanna live in a world where babies are roaming the streets with guns in their hands but it will happen with no government. I think people want to organize governed bodies so then everyone could stay safe. Especially from babies with guns. We have laws for a reason, usually to kept people safe from bad things. It could be from fire blowing hairdryers to a cereal box that lies about how much fat is in it.
This was a very interesting perspective on a world without a government. I never even thought about the gun safety laws and how that would be affected. The purge was also a really good example of what the world would be like without the government. We do have laws for a reason I definitely agree with you there. Babies running around with guns would be very bad. Even with a government and all the gun safety laws we still have toddlers getting a hold of weapons and kill themselves. I cannot even imagine what would happen if we did not have those laws.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your idea on guns. I also like and agree with your idea of the big companies not following any rules. I had the same idea with The Purge.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the whole 'Purge' situation. It definitely would happen. I also agree with the gun thing. People would be using guns whenever they felt like and nobody would be safe. Especially from a baby with guns ):
ReplyDeleteCreepy first picture but I would have to agree with it. The movie Purge would probably become a documentary instead of fiction if there were no government