Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Electoral college or nah?

The electoral college was created because communication was really slow back then.It was also created because the government (aka Alexander Hamilton) was scared of the people. And back then not a lot of people had an education and were illiterate. So they didn't think the people were smart enough to do it either. So the elites would come together and vote for the people. But now we get texts and messages from people within seconds so what's the point of having it now? It usually is fair because the electoral college would or SUPPOSE TO vote on the popular vote. And when they don't they get fired because that's not cool. One time it did fail when Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams were running for president. John Quincy Adams won even though Andrew Jackson had the biggest amount of electoral votes. If that's not called cheating then I don't even know anymore. I do believe it's fair but there is no reason to have it anymore. There are no more illiterate adults that can vote, we are all educated and can make decisions for ourselves. There is no need to have the 'elite' to choose for us. But the candidates are suppose to have some certain things to be able to get nominated for the electoral college.  The winner must have the biggest popular vote. And that the popular vote has to be sufficiently distributed across the country to enable he/she to govern.

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