Sunday, November 2, 2014


On Tuesday November 4th, people of Massachusetts will be deciding who our next governor should be. It is against Charlie Baker and Martha Coakley. Unfortunately I am not 18 yet, so I can't vote. But If I were 18, I would vote for Martha Coakley. Cause she's rad.

One of the reasons why I like her is because she wants to start from the beginning. To the little guys. Martha wants everyone to be able to go to Pre K and Kindergarten, which some kids aren't able to. And the reason for that is because of buses. There is a huuge wait list for school buses. And who need to drive buses? People. And you know what that means: More jobs. She believes if there are kids going to school at that age, it would better for them. More education is always better. And charter schools? Who wants charter schools? No one. We don't like you Charlie Baker.

Second reason why I'd vote for her is that she will help with college. Martha will expand financial aid which will help so many people who want to go to college. And making more community college opportunities, so then people don't have to pay as much as private colleges or universities.

Third reason why I love her: Sick days. People should be allowed sick days. People get sick its a humanly thing so having sick days? Why is it a big deal? So what if teens are just skipping work because they don't feel like it. People deserve to have some paid days off. One thing I don't like about her is that she 'criticizes Baker for focusing too much of welfare reform'. Come on Martha. We all know that our welfare sucks.

Fourth reason why I would vote for her is because she cares about the environment. She is willing to go as far as double funding to the MA Clean Energy Center. She wants every home with an energy audit within 8 years. If that's not dedication I don't know what is.

Vote for Martha #marthacoakley2k14 

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with you on who you would vote for. I would vote for Charlie Baker. Martha has some good ideas yes, but were is all that money needed going to come from. It is going to come from taxes. That must also mean she is going to be supporting bills that increase taxes.
