Lincoln had a lot of problems trying to ratify the 13th Amendment but the biggest problem was racism. Many people thought that blacks should be equal, but up to a certain point. They thought the 13th Amendment would bring other rights to blacks. Such as voting, which back then they thought African Americans were stupid. And oh man inter racial marriage which was a big no no back then. This caused a lot of resistance to the amendment. Even Lincoln's cabinet wasn't too keen on the idea. In the movie they thought Lincoln was joking. People were thinking that things could lead to being able to rank in the military, which apparently no one wanted. And a lot of common folk thought they would be just taking all the jobs. And white people didn't want them to hold office either. One of the reasons Lincoln wanted to ratify this Amendment was so then the war could end. Also, to get the black vote. Lincoln didn't even really like the idea of slaves being free either but he said, "he'd get used to it."
So is Lincoln ethical? I believe he is. He might of done it for the wrong reason, but he did a good deed.Since he was twisting the truth in the movie. But to get votes, he offered jobs to lame ducks, which is a little low.

I guess he's not 'Honest Abe' after all.